Brilliant Makers, Rishikesh (is working in association with Parakh Technical & Educational Trust) registered under the Public Charitable Trust act 1882 under section 60 vide (Reg.No 292), from Govt.Of INDIA,UK respectively and working in computer and Accounts field with the central as well as State Govt. to reach every class of the society. The institute is also certified by ISO 9001:2008 Certified. In this era of information Technology and Science We are committed to made available the computer education literacy and accounts education at very nominal fee structures across the country covering rural and urban areas. Nowadays, there is a scarcity to find the short term courses with the flexibility so that the middle class and working class could be benefitted and improve their understanding and ultimately contribute in the National development & skills with more confidence and dignity. Brilliant Makers is known as the pioneer of computer literacy throughout the State. Institute working towards its goal with the save Zeal and enthusiasm. The main objectives of Brilliant Makers are to privide:- General environment opportunities for its student by preventing the best designed job oriented courses and jobs. Computer Literacy to every eligible candidate of the country.
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