Lakshya Medicose Rishikesh
Lakshya Medicose is a 3 years 9 months old Enterprise incorporated on 14-May-2020, having its registered office located at 841, Awas Vikas, Veerbhadra Marg (Aiims Road), Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. The major activity of Lakshya Medicose is Services, Sub-classified into Manufacture of pharmaceuticals medicinal chemical and botanical products and is primarily engaged...
DoonGooseberry form, Dehradun
Doon Goose Berry form, Dehradun is run by Ms Namita Rawat. Ms. Namita Rawat has her own Amla Farm. Farm grown organic Amlas, Mango, Turmeric processed into delicious pickles, juice, candy, jam, murabba and chutney. Healthy and tasty. Healthy Buransh and Malta squash available. We also have Free Range Brown...