Har Ki Doon Trek starts from Dehradun

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The trek needs no introduction because this trek is a 500 year old culture Trek. Trekkers always like to trail on this trek just to watch the incredible Swargarohini massif. This trek is graded as easy to moderate treks. Har Ki Dun Trek or the Valley of Gods is located in the Garhwal Himalayas of the Uttarkashi quarter of Uttarakhand. At 3,500 M, Har Ki Dun Trek is one of the most gorgeous swash vale treks in the country. Different foliage and fauna, larger than life geographies, antique townlets put away into the mountains and vast, extensive meadows leave you in admiration throughout. The journey progresses alongside the splendid Supin River, crossing islands across clear water aqueducts running through scenic Garhwali townlets.

The Har Ki Dun Trek trail is notorious for its changing decor in each season. During summer and spring, affable temperatures blazon the vale. Flowers are in full bloom and there’s a pleasurable range of wildlife to spot. With the onset of layoffs, the valley gets snowfall every couple of weeks transubstantiation the lush green highlights into pristine whites.

The Har Ki Dun Trek peak is a treat to behold. On a clear day, you can spot the snow- limited Swargarohini Peak, Hata Peak and Black Peak amongst others. This moderate position journey has colorful angles to take pleasure in, similar as the alpine flowers, open meadows, thick coniferous timbers and views of colossal mountain ranges making it a complete package.

Gauging over 67 km, the journey begins from the antique village of Sankri in Uttarakhand. We’ll cover the trip till Taluka on a motorable road. The way from Taluka till Pauni Garaat runs along the waters of the Supin River. You’ll be walking under a cover of Walnut, Pine and Cedar trees opening up to vast fields of potato and sludge on the way. The Puani Garaat Campsite is a little further ahead, positioned in a lovely clearing on the banks of the Supin River.

Top Attractions near Har ki Doon Trek

There are many attractions to explore near the Har ki Doon Trek. These are some of them :-

Ruinsara Lake: Ruinsara lake is a serene lake girdled by lush green meadows, fascinating geographies, towering peaks and stirring views. It’s a one day journey from Har ki Doon Valley.

Jaundhar Glacier: This glacier is nestled amidst the himalayas, furnishing a regard into the raw beauty of the region, this journey might be little grueling from Har ki Doon yet satisfying because of its stirring views.

Swargarohini peak: This peak is believed to be the path to heaven, according to Hindu Mythology. The towering presence of this peak adds a sense of majesty to the stunning geography girding Har ki Doon.

Osla Village: Osla Village is a traditional village known near the Har ki Doon Trail. It offers the views of traditional and artistic life, sundeck fields, rustic houses and friendly occupants.

Har ki Doon Waterfall: Precisely a short trail from Har ki Doon campground, this cascade cascades down from the mountainside allowing a short stimulating break during the journey.

Morinda Ta: This small glacier is enroute to the Har ki Doon journey and offers stunning views of the girding peaks. It’s also known as Maninda Tal.

Ruinsara Tal – A trek to God’s Lake: While exploring deep into the revered denes of Garhwal, you ’ll be left in admiration by the ethereal beauty of Ruinsara Tal put away at 3,500 measures above ocean position. This glacial blue lake is adorned on the bottom of Kalanag Peak about 14 km down from Osla/ Seema. Besieged by the alpine foliage and rosy red rhododendrons, the Ruinsara Tal is considered to be sacred by the occupants of Har- Ki- Doon Valley.

The locals abiding in this area believe that they’re the descendants of Kauravas and have erected tabernacles in their honor. Polyandry is rehearsed then and is common in the area. According to the legends, this is the route that the eldest Pandava family, Yudishtra took while heading to Swargarohini, the way to heaven.

How to prepare for Har ki Doon Trek

Preparing for Har ki Dun journey requires several crucial way to insure safe and pleasurable experience, then are some of the tips-

Physical Fitness: launch with regular cardiovascular exercise to make stamina and abstinence. Focus on inflexibility exercises, strength training.

Adaptation- stay near Har ki Doon to adjust your body in Sankri village since Har ki Doon is at an advanced altitude. adaptation is necessary for the journey.

Gear and outfit: invest in high quality gear and outfit, including sturdy hiking thrills, humidity wicking apparel, insulated layers, leak proof jackets, pants, touring poles, a pack, sleeping bag and a roof if camping.

Pack light: Pack essential only to keep pack light, carry enough apparel layers for varying rainfall conditions, introductory toiletries, first aid tackle water sanctification tablets, snacks and refillable water bottles.

Training Hikes Before the journey, embark on training hikes to acclimate to the trekking conditions and make your hiking abode. Gradationally increase the difficulty and duration of your training hikes to prepare for the journey.

Let’s go to explore the 500 year old cultural trek which has vibrant culture & various types of Flora & Fauna at the place. If you are a single person & want to go on a trek with a group, let’s go with Go4explore which provides you the best service & the best group which will match your vibe in every single moment.

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